Neuropad® is a 10-minute-screening-test® that detects signs of preclinical diabetic neuropathy.
Dispensing doctor practices benefit from a 15% discount off the NHS price, so dispensing doctor practices pay £11.73 + VAT with free delivery on all orders.
NHS Drug Tariff
Neuropad® is listed in the NHS Drug Tariff Part IXR for England and Wales and separately for Northern Ireland and for Scotland under the category Chemical Reagents under the specific heading ‘Detection Pad, Sweat for Neuropathy’.
Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
Neuropad® is listed on the Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d). Search for Neuropad® by following the link below.
Neuropad® PIP Code: 337 0665
GTIN code: 04051276000122
The NHS Tariff price is £13.80 per pack effective 1st October 2022
Please note: Minimum single order quantity is 12 test packs.
To fulfil an NHS prescription, the Neuropad® test (minimum of 12 test packs per order) may be ordered from our wholesale distributor:
Sigma Pharmaceuticals plc
HD House
Imperial Way
North Watford
Hertfordshire WD24 4BB
Telesales: 01923 444999 please select option 3
SigConnect online portal
Customers without an existing Sigma account can request to have their account application fast tracked. Please request this via
To set up a full account with Sigma, which may take up to 2 weeks, please telephone 0800 358 4427 or email
Alternatively, you can open account with Sigma online by clicking on this button.
Independent therapists including podiatrists and NHS institutions
Independent therapists including podiatrists and NHS institutions may wish to purchase a quantity of Neuropad® tests that can be held in stock for immediate clinic use.
Such orders may also be placed with our wholesale distributor Sigma. Please see the contact details for Sigma on this page.