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neuropad® is distributed in the UK and Ireland by

Skyrocket Phytopharma (UK) Ltd
Arise Harlow ARU
Harlow Innovation Park
1 Maypole Boulevard
Essex CM17 9TX
United Kingdom

Reporting adverse events

Adverse Events (AEs) in relation to medical devices in the UK should be reported through the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Yellow Card Scheme.

Reporting forms and information can be found at

Members of the public (patients) can report AEs through the Yellow Card Scheme as well so don’t need to consult a doctor first if reporting an AE. 

Residents of Ireland

If you are a resident of Ireland, AEs should be reported to the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) by visiting

You can also choose to report a suspected adverse event to us by using the form above.