25 Nov 2016
In 2016 neuropad was submitted for consideration by the NHS Innovation Accelerator programme and was shortlisted by a panel of assessors which included NHS national clinical directors, Academic Health Science Network representatives, charities, patient representatives as well as commercial experts drawn from the public and private sectors. It was shortlisted on the basis that neuropad® is ‘a good, patient-centred innovation that has the potential to improve screening for foot problems in people with diabetes and therefore reduce preventable foot ulceration and amputation, which are expensive for the NHS and devastating for patients.’ Significantly, ‘clinical assessors were strongly in support of this innovation.’
Following shortlisting, a decision making panel, chaired by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh and made up of the 11 Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) partners, patient representatives and the Health Foundation provided the following final feedback:
Neuropad is a ‘simple, inexpensive product addressing a clear need that was supported by the panel’ and concluded that it was a ‘great innovation.’